Converting companies to our green energy
In Québec, we’re proud of our clean energy: hydropower. Local companies and those from outside Québec that adopt our clean energy reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and improve their energy footprint.
Converting companies to our green energy
In Québec, we’re proud of our clean energy: hydropower. Local companies and those from outside Québec that adopt our clean energy reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and improve their energy footprint.
All Quebecers are responsible for Québec’s energy transition. Companies also play a key role in the fight against climate change.
By partnering with various companies and encouraging their actions, we’re taking a step in the right direction and paving the way for others to follow.
Diageo goes green
This world leader in the production of alcoholic beverages has taken on a major project: to make its Valleyfield plant carbon-neutral by 2025.
To make this ecological transition a success, the company will fully convert its distillery to our green energy with financial assistance granted under the Québec government’s ÉcoPerformance program. With support also provided by our Efficient Solutions Program, Diageo will use energy efficiency measures to optimize the energy consumption of its production line.
Several other companies are also going green in support of the environment.
The right energy at the right time—that’s the idea. In partnership with Énergir, we are working to implement a dual-energy offering designed to use electricity as the main source of energy for heating and natural gas as a backup source of energy for customers who are currently using only gas to meet their needs. This partnership aims to reduce natural gas consumption among participating customers by just over 70%, thereby reducing GHG emissions associated with heating residential, commercial and institutional buildings.
The Marguerite-Bourgeoys school service center is one of three partners participating in the pilot projects. It will replace the gas-fueled heating system at Très-Saint-Sacrement school in Montréal’s Lachine borough to test various devices that use a mix of electricity and natural gas.
Residential customers will be able to take advantage of the new offer starting summer 2022.